Insurance for massage therapists - all you need to know
Wondering what insurance you need as a massage therapist? Learn about the different types of insurance available and get tips on choosing the right policy for your business's needs in this helpful guide.
Being a massage therapist is a rewarding profession, especially as you're helping to relieve your clients of any pain. That being said, it can be quite stressful if a client accuses you of any wrongdoings.
Having the right business insurance can give you and your clients peace of mind, and help protect you from a legal and financial perspective.
Key takeaways
Massage therapists should consider various insurance types, to protect against client claims, equipment loss, and personal injury.
Insurance helps massage therapists manage risks, such as client injuries, equipment damage, or personal accidents, providing coverage for legal fees, compensation, and lost income.
The cost of insurance varies based on factors like coverage level, business location, and whether the therapist works alone or employs others.

Do massage therapists need insurance?
Having massage therapist insurance can help you in situations such as:
A client is injured or has their property damage and makes a liability claim against you
You injure yourself in an accident and are unable to perform massages
Your equipment is lost, stolen, or damaged
What insurance do I need as a massage therapist?
The type of insurance you need may vary depending on the risk level associated with specific treatments you offer to your clients and the level of cover you need.
Here are some forms of business insurance you might want to consider as a massage therapist:
Public liability insurance
Public liability insurance covers legal costs if you cause injury or property damage through your work e.g. if a client slips on massage oil you didn't clean up or they fall off a massage table. This insurance is one of the most important to consider because as a massage therapist you are regularly interacting with the public.
Product liability insurance
Product liability insurance protects you if you use a defective product, such as faulty massage oils, and a liability claim is made against you. Even if you don't manufacture these products yourself, you can still be held liable if a client has an adverse reaction to a product you use on them.
Employers' liability insurance
Employers’ liability insurance is a legal requirement if you employ someone and protects the employer if an employee suffers an illness or injury resulting from their work.
Professional indemnity insurance
Professional indemnity insurance will protect your business against claims of negligence and cover the cost of legal fees and compensation if you're sued by a client. It covers any services or advice you give a client that results in loss or damage, even if you provided a service or gave advice for free.
Personal accident insurance
If you or an employee covered by your insurance is injured in an accident and unable to work, personal accident insurance will provide compensation to supplement lost income. This cover includes accidents outside of work.
Business contents insurance
If you own a salon or clinic, business contents insurance can help you protect your important equipment. If anything is damaged, lost, or stolen, your insurance will help you cover the cost of replacements and repairs. It can also cover decorations and installations.
How much is insurance for a massage therapist?
The cost of insurance for a massage therapist will depend on a few factors, including:
The amount of cover you need
If you conduct any work outside of the UK
Whether you operate from one location or have multiple business locations
If you're a sole trader or have employers working for you
Whether you need to backdate cover for previous work or not
Basic business insurance will provide coverage for theft or damage to your equipment, as well as possible legal claims and cases where you're not able to work. You can reduce or add onto your cover at any point depending on the needs of your business.
What insurance do I need as a mobile massage therapist?
Whether you're a mobile massage or you own a salon, the bare minimum of insurance cover you should consider is public liability and professional indemnity insurance. If you have any employees working for you, you are also legally required to have employers' liability insurance.
If you have a car or van that you use for your business, you'll need to take out insurance to account for business car or commercial van usage. If you are using your personal vehicle for your business and haven't informed your standard car insurance provider, you may be at risk of invalidating your policy.
Do I need insurance while I'm training to become a massage therapist?
If you're still training to be a massage therapist and aren't yet qualified, you'll need to inform your insurance provider. You may still be able to find a policy while you're training, but your options will be more limited and a policy may be more expensive.
What insurance do I need as a sports massage therapist?
Similar to other types of massage therapists, sports massage therapists also need the policies mentioned in this guide.
These should be more than sufficient to cover you in situations where you accidentally injure a client, causing them to miss out on their chosen sports event, for example.
Why compare business insurance with MoneySuperMarket?
Use our insurance comparison tool to find the best quotes for your massage therapy business from leading UK providers in just a few minutes. It couldn't be easier to find the right insurance for your business.
Do you have to be qualified to give massages?
Yes, in the UK, you need at least a Level 3 Diploma in a relevant subject to practice massage therapy. Additionally, if you want to open a clinic or parlour, you will legally require a Massage and Special Treatments Licence.
Do you need insurance to be a massage therapist?
Yes, insurance is recommended for massage therapists. At a minimum, they should have treatment and public liability insurance, which covers claims of malpractice and accidental damage or injury. While insurance is not legally mandatory, it provides essential protection for both the therapist and clients.