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We’re on a mission to save you money

  • Earn rewards on top of your savings with SuperSaveClub

  • We’ll price match on qualifying products

  • Over 50 ways to Super Save

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How does MoneySuperMarket work?

We work with our partners in home services, lifestyle, money and insurance to find you deals that you can compare on:

  • Car Insurance

  • Van Insurance

  • Motorbike Insurance

  • Boat Insurance

  • Appliance Insurance

  • Car Warranty

  • Gap Insurance

  • Public Liability Insurance

  • Breakdown Cover

  • Caravan Insurance

  • Motorhome Insurance

  • Home Insurance

  • Bicycle Insurance

  • Holiday Home Insurance

  • Landlord Insurance

  • Business Insurance

  • Travel Insurance

  • Life Insurance

  • Critical Illness Insurance

  • Health Insurance

  • Funeral Plans

  • Pet Insurance

  • Gadget Insurance

  • Wedding Insurance

  • Payment Protection

  • Income Protection Insurance

  • Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Protection

  • Credit Cards

  • Loans

  • Current Accounts

  • Savings Accounts

  • Children's Savings Accounts

  • Mortgages

  • Car Finance

  • Car Leasing

  • Conveyancing

  • Travel Money

  • Private Pensions

  • Gas and Electricity

  • Boiler Cover

  • Standard and Fibre Broadband

  • Mobile Contracts

  • SIM Only Deals

Here are some of the ways we do this:

  • search quote icon

    Quote comparison

    We’ve built quote comparison tools for a lot of our products so you can compare personalised quotes and find a great deal that suits you

  • filter icon

    Filter and sort

    You can filter and sort your quote results by price, features, provider and likelihood of approval – where this applies – on most of our channels to make comparing easier

  • Eligibility Checker Icon

    Eligibility Checker

    Our Eligibility Checker tool shows you credit cards and loans you’re most likely to be accepted for, so you can avoid applying for those that might reject you and leave a mark on your credit report

  • Information Icons

    Clarity and information

    We give you the information you need to help you choose the right product for you, and we have tips and more information to help you compare the quotes and providers you see in the listings

How does MoneySuperMarket make money?

We’re dedicated to helping you save money and get your finances in good shape, so it will always be free for you to compare deals with us.

We get paid by the companies we work with.

We get paid in different ways, depending on the type of product or service you buy through us.

For some services, the companies we work with pay us a flat, fixed fee when you buy something through us. The amount we get paid is the same, regardless of how much you pay as a customer, and our fee has no bearing on the price you pay.

For some services, the companies you choose to buy from will pay us a commission fee. 

With commission products we get paid a fee which may be a percentage of:

  • The total cost of the policy you buy 

  • The length of the policy you buy 

  • The amount of loan you take out

We normally receive the commission as a one-off payment in the first year after you buy, regardless of how long the insurance policy or loan is for.

The amount of commission we get from the provider never has any effect on what you pay, or the way we show you your options on results pages.

For some services, we get paid a flat, fixed fee when you click through from our site to buy your insurance policy from an insurer. 

* For broadband and mobile, the top line of the results in some instances will be an advert paid for by the provider and will be clearly identified as a 'featured deal'. 

Do we work with all the home, money and insurance providers on the market?

Our goal is to search deals from as wide a range of companies as possible so that you can choose the deal that suits you - but not every company can be included in our service.

This is because some companies don’t want their products included on comparison sites, and some decide that they would rather not pay a fee.

There are also a few smaller providers who can struggle to cope with the volume of customers that can find their products if they appear on MoneySuperMarket.

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How do we use your data?

Your personal information’s safety and security is very important to us, and we do everything we can to make sure you feel confident that your details will be kept secure when you use our site. 

We use HTTPS protection on our site to encrypt your personal information and turn it into an unreadable code, and to help keep it secure as it’s sent from your computer or device to our website. When you enter a HTTPS protected area, a small padlock or key will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

The main reason we process your personal data is to provide you with personalised comparison quotes that will help to save you money. For certain purposes – for example, to show you a list of quotes to compare – we may share your personal information with some other third parties when needed. These third parties would include our partners, service providers or our channel operators who design, run and maintain some of our channels.

You can find more details about how we use your personal data in our privacy policy.

How do you opt out of our emails?

You can unsubscribe from our emails by logging into your MoneySuperMarket account and de-selecting emails – and any other form of communication you want to stop – in your MoneySuperMarket profile settings.

If you receive an email with an unsubscribe link at the bottom, you can click this to stop receiving these emails from us. If there is no unsubscribe link, this is because you have requested it as part of a service, such as a car insurance quote. You do not need to unsubscribe from this, as it is a summary of the quotes you recently ran, and you will receive no further communications on that enquiry.

Our customer service and data request teams can also help you with any questions you have about your personal data or if you would like to exercise your individual data rights.

How do I report a scam?

If you think you’ve been targeted by fraudsters, stop all communication and report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or at

If you think someone is impersonating MoneySuperMarket, then please contact our customer services team.

For more information on the types of scams we’ve been seeing, please read our article to stay safe.

How do you find more help?

If you need more help or want to contact us, our help centre has all the information you need.

How do you contact MoneySuperMarket’s customer services team?

If you haven’t found the answer to your question on how we work, or you’d like to get in touch about something else, you can email our customer services team. If you’d like to get in touch about how we use your personal data you can contact us at

And if you’d prefer to write to us, you can send a letter to our Chester office:

Customer Services Team
MONY Group House
St David's Park

We will always do our best to make sure your MoneySuperMarket experience is as quick and easy as it can be, but if you are unhappy with our service then our Customer Services Team are here for you. We will aim to send you a formal acknowledgment of your complaint within 48 hours, and our team will work to resolve the problem as soon as possible. We’ll then send you what we call a “final response” once we’ve had a chance to look into the issue further.

Whether or not you will be able to refer your case to an external organisation will depend on the type of complaint.

If you are unhappy with any product or service you’ve received from a third party or have any complaint regarding any third party, you will need to address your complaint directly to that third party. If you need their contact details then our Customer Services Team will be happy to help you.

How does MONY Group work?

  • MSMG-logo-Pls

    MONY Group

    MoneySuperMarket Limited is part of MONY Group, and the Group is made up of the three following businesses.

  • MSM-LOGO-280x125


    MoneySuperMarket: helping you save money on your household bills

  • TSM-Logo-Pls


    TravelSuperMarket: helping you get away without paying a penny too much

  • MSE-Logo-Pls finding you deals, saving you costs and campaigning for financial justice

The Group websites are owned and operated by the MONY Group, but has its own Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

How does MoneySuperMarket work with follows its own independent editorial guidelines to make sure every money saving technique, product and service it recommends helps you cut the cost of your bills and isn’t influenced by business decisions. This means it might recommend one of MoneySuperMarket’s deals, but only if it is the best option that’s available to you across the market.

Company Information Limited is registered in England and Wales with company number 3945937 and its registered address is at MONY Group House, St David's Park, Ewloe, Chester, CH5 3UZ. Limited is an appointed representative of MONY Group Financial Limited (registered in England and Wales with company number 3157344). MONY Group Financial Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA registration number 303190). This can be confirmed by checking the FCA register. Limited is accredited under the Ofgem Confidence Code in relation to its energy channel.