How to protect your home when you go on holiday
Coming back from holiday to a burgled home or water damage can put a real dampener on even the sunniest getaway. Here's some simple steps you can take to minimise the chances of it happening...
Key takeaways
Secure all potential entry points in your home, including doors, windows, and pet doors, and consider upgrading locks for enhanced security
Use timers for lights and alarms, and ask neighbours to help create the appearance of occupancy to deter intruders while you're away
Turn off the main water supply and unplug electrical devices to prevent damage and save energy
Don't advertise that you're away from home on social media or voicemail

How to protect your home when you go on holiday
Heading off somewhere sunny? To ensure your home is as safe as possible while you're away, follow these tips..
Lock everything
Before you depart for your holiday, ensure your home is secure by checking all doors and windows are locked. you should also pet doors and other less obvious, potential points of entry.
For added security, consider upgrading to stronger locks.
Make it look like someone's home
One simple way to make it look like you're home is use light timers or smart lights to turn your lights on and off at predetermined times.
You might also want to ask your neighbours to occasionally park their car in your driveway. This simple act can give the impression that the house is occupied.
Finally, to maintain the illusion you're home, it's wise to keep some curtains or blinds open too.
Timers and alarm system
As well as setting timers for lights, you may want to do the same for your television and radio. And if you've got an alarm system, be sure ensure it's activated and functioning properly
Investing in a smart home security system for real-time monitoring could also pay off. These systems allow you to monitor your property from anywhere in the world, providing peace of mind while you're away.
Ask neighbours to check on your property
Assuming you're on good terms with your neighbours and can trust them, you could ask them to regularly visit your home while you're away.
Going away for a longer trip? It could be worth hiring a house sitter.
Turn off the water and unplug all electricals
You can guard against water damage by turning off the main water supply. After all, the very last thing you want is to come home to burst pipes and a flooded house.
To reduce the risk of electrical fires caused by power surges, you should also unplug appliances and disconnect gadgets. Not only will this keep your home safer, it'll save on your electricity bill.
Don't advertise your absence
We know it's tempting, but try to resist the urge to post your holiday itinerary or updates on social media. Even a beach photo can be a tell-tale sign that your house is unattended.
To be extra safe, don't leave outgoing messages on your answering machine or voicemail that indicate you are out of town. A simple message like 'We can't come to the phone right now' is sufficient.
Make sure your home insurance is fit for purpose
Before you head off, check your home insurance is still valid and that it offers sufficient cover for your belongings in the event that you're burgled.
Be sure to pay attention to details of your policy regarding longer-term absences too. Some policies will only cover you for absences of up to 30 days.
If your trip exceeds 30 days, speak to your insurer and see if there are options to amend this facet of your policy.